Here is the first sentence of Article 1 of Section 3 of Rule 5 of the Official NFL Playing Rules:

“An offensive player wearing the number of an ineligible pass receiver (50-79, 90-99) is permitted to line up in the position of an eligible pass receiver (1-49 and 80-89), and an offensive player wearing the number of an eligible pass receiver is permitted to line up in the position of an ineligible pass receiver, provided that he immediately reports the change in his eligibility status to the Referee, who will inform the defensive team.” (italics added)

The Seattle Seahawks were able to turn the tide, to reverse the negative momentum of a 16 – 0 deficit, in their playoff game against the Green Bay Packers on Sunday, 1/18/15, by lining up on the Packers’ 19-yard line for a field goal but having the holder throw a touchdown pass to tackle Gary Gilliam, who wears number 79 and who, after reporting to an official his intent to act as an eligible receiver on the play, ran into the end zone and – completely un-defended – caught the pass.

So, here is my question:  How on earth could the Packers have not prepared themselves for a fake, for a pass to Mr. Gilliam, if they knew he was acting as a receiver?  And a second question:  Is it possible the reason the Packers failed to cover Mr. Gilliam is that the referee failed to perform his duty to “inform the defensive team?”  Clearly, the play was a massive screwup by someone, either the Green Bay coaching staff or the referee.  Anybody know which?


  1. no I do not know whether the referee told the Packers or if the Packer coaching staff messed up by not calling a time out. However there were numerous other reasons why the Pack lost. Note I said lost. in my opinion Seattle did not win, the Packers lost.
    You could start with the first field goal. You are on the 1 foot line, with a bull dozer running back, very early in the game, go for it. I know the Lombardi rule, take the points but as stated, that was the circumstance.
    The Pack thought the game was over when they intercepted the pass with approximately 5 minutes left.. The guy goes to the ground. if you look at the film he had at least 20-30 yards of clear path ahead. The sideline was celebrating as if it was over, however the game is 60 minutes, not 55 minutes. Although the running 5 of 6 plays was reasonable strategy it was being too convinced you had the game won. Next on the onside kick the Pack had the hands team out with some linebackers and the tight end Bostic in there to form a wall of blockers. Bostic with his stone hands in his moment of glory stepped in front of Jordy Nelson who was poised to catch the ball. Another case of a man not simply doing his job.
    Last but certainly not the least was the fact that the best corner in the game played the fourth quarter with one arm. No one, the coaches in the booth, the wide receivers told Mike McCarthy. The last play the Pack had the ball in the fourth quarter prior to the last drive for the tying field goal they finally threw to Cobb who was being covered by Sherman. Sherman broke up the play. Nelson should have been on his side in the entire quarter and Rogers should have been throwing pass after pass at him.
    One more “last”, the free safety Thomas got banged up early, hurt his shoulder and the Pack threw nothing down the middle.
    There is more but I repeat the Seahawks did not win the Pack lost.

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